These are all excellent ideas, but isn't it verging on impossible to convince a denier, for want of a better word? I'm thinking of covid refusers, ant- vaxxers, Brexiteers, they are all so adamant and vociferous in their views, it can be hard to even be heard at times. Same for people who dont believe in climate change. I know that doesn't mean we should give up, but how to stay motivated and positive?

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Hi Ali. I totally agree. I actually feel that true climate deniers are so rare these days that it almost not worth our time to try to convince them. Although there are definitely exceptions to this (prominent politicians for instance).

I think it's more fruitful to focus on the huge number of people who acknowledge that climate change is an issue but who don't understand the science or don't realise how to take effective action. This is where we can have impact as communicators.

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Yes, you're right! You are doing great work, and there are lots of small groups making a big difference, in Ireland anyway, from planting trees to farming sustainably, and lots of people like me rewilding their gardens and letting nature do her thing.

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I just started reading the book 'An Irish Atlantic Rainforest' about a rewilding project in Cork. I love to see these inspiring things happening in Ireland!

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